
Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category


Every so often, we will post a few op-ed pieces from newspapers, mainstream websites, or elsewhere from the blogosphere:  (more…)

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In wake of the recent Israeli/Gaza debacle one common theme is emerging; the world really hates Jews.  You would think such a profound lack of moral clarity would be highly alarming to the rational masses.  But these days, brainwashed Muslims, uninterested Americans, and welfare loving Europeans have immediately trounced on the unjust opportunity to bash, discredit and rant against the only bastion of freedom in an un-free world.  Israel. 

The facts of this story are very simple.  But like the Arizona Illegal Immigration debate, getting the facts to the users has proven too much to handle for our media, the UN, and Jew hating Muslims worldwide.  Let me give you the background on recent events occurring in the middle-eastern area called the Gaza Strip.  (more…)

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Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas hit on my biggest problem with the Obama Administration. America has been suffering causalities at the hands of militant Islam since the 1980’s. These radicals have killed well over 4,000 Americans since they declared war on us.

Yet, today this administration is afraid to offend the enemies. After two minutes of questioning, our nations top lawyer concludes with this sentence:

I certainly think that its possible people who espouse a radical version of Islam have had an ability to have an impact on people like Shahzad

You think?

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Massive, Violent, Racist, TEA Party Protest

Massive, Violent, Racist, TEA Party Protest

On March 23, President Obama signed his Health Care Bill into law. A day later the news was wall to wall with coverage about the hate filled speech and threats against members of Congress. I know it has been a long year of debating health care but I was still left looking for answers on what was now actually law. I would have liked to hear more about the government taking over the student loan program or the Ready Reserve Corps. Why does that stuff have to be apart of Health Care Reform? (more…)

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Unlike “grandma”, one thing that will not die is the spin surrounding the Health Care debate. So let’s recap where we are right now with the new health care law:  In the past week, a bunch of pompous speeches and voting have taken place, and in the end, all it means is the bill is still passed.  That was the short summary ignoring all the bloviating (thank you, Mr. O’Reilly).  Meanwhile, the President continues to tour across American campaigning about this bill.  Isn’t it a bit scary that the President needs to put so much effort in selling this bill to the American people after a year of debating?  This man could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves.  Anyways, of all the talk, the most intriguing part to me is how the Left and the media are working desperately to spin the storyline away from the bill and on to circumstantial events.  (more…)

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“We’re leaving together/But still it’s farewell/And maybe we’ll come back/To earth, who can tell?/I guess there is no one to blame/We’re leaving ground/Will things ever be the same again?/It’s the Final Countdown”

After nearly a year of lively debate, the Health Care Reform bill will finally come up for a final vote in the House of Representatives.  The bill still must pass the Senate, which shouldn’t be an issue if they use reconciliation, so this vote really represents the final hurdle for the Democrats to pass the unpopular bill.  Sort of.  So what’s next? (more…)

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Every so often, we will post a few op-ed pieces from newspapers, mainstream websites, or elsewhere from the blogosphere:  (more…)

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The health care summit today made for some interesting television…if you find policy discussion devoid of any real confrontation interesting. Although boring, I love watching politics in action…I am a political wonk like that. I listened to way too much of it, and jotted down a couple things I liked and didn’t like about today’s forum.   (more…)

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I’ve allowed Obama’s coming fiscal year budget to digest, and it’s still giving me indigestion.  I am sympathetic to the need to increase spending in some areas to promote job growth, but there is no effort to try and cut costs in other non-essential programs or to hold off on spending areas that do need improvement but not instantly.  I am tired of his sorry excuse repeated over and over by progressives that if it wasn’t for President Bush, we wouldn’t have to build on this deficit.  I know he got dealt a shitty hand.  But it didn’t force him to fold when he got his party’s nomination.  Since when do two wrongs make a right?  What I think, is that he’s happy to deal with the problem because it allows him to pass more spending and promote some of his socialist views under the cover of recovering the economy.  I don’t think it’s some sinister plot to destroy America…but he has made no qualms about hiding that he believes government can cure-all that ails us. Someone in this country, needs to make the tough decisions and get us back on track fiscally before our dollar has no value or our debt to foreign nation’s leads to something catastrophic. (more…)

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State of the Union Address
In last year’s unofficial State of the Union, Obama outlined a lofty left-winged agenda composed of three tiers; Education reform, Healthcare reform, and Climate change.  Only a few months after telling Americans that he would transform our country, he actually set out to do so.  Well, things haven’t gone so well thus far.  Most thought the Health Bill was dead in the Senate, and the Climate Bill may be an even bigger bee’s nest that the Senate has steered completely clear from. 

Healthcare: Nevertheless, about 45 minutes into President Obama’s speech, he pivoted back to Healthcare and more specifically “health insurance reform.”  (more…)

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